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Simple Way to Make Perfect Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts)

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, if you're looking for Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts) recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts)

Before you jump to Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {Make Healthy Eating A Part of Your Life.

Everyone has heard the words "an apple a day will keep the doctor away", but the question is, is this really a true statement. Many individuals have lived with this philosophy for many years, and they additionally pass this on to their children. This thought is known all over the world and individuals just take it as fact without knowing if this is really true. You will be happy to know that we have completed a little research, and we are going to explain to you why this is thought to be a miracle fruit.

While everybody knows that consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to ensure your body gets all the nutrition it needs, how come apples pushed so much? You will see that the vitamins and minerals that you will find in apples can be very beneficial for your health.. On the subject of the minerals that are generally in apples you will find, potassium, calcium and zinc just to mention a few. And you will even discover vitamins in your apples such as, vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, B6, C, E, K and various other trace vitamins.

You will also be able to possess a healthier heart by eating apples. I am sure you know that apples contain fiber, and that, and some of the other substances of apples can promote heart health. Just one more of the added benefits apples can give you is that it can help you to lower your cholesterol, and you must also know that this also helps your heart. The particular skin of the apple is where a lot of the healthy vitamins and minerals can be located in an apple. If you happen to be one of the people who skin their apple before eating it, you may want to change that habit so that you are receiving all the benefits from the apple that you can get.

Therefore, it should be somewhat obvious that it's not difficult to add healthy eating to your life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to butter pie crust (2 crusts) recipe. To make butter pie crust (2 crusts) you only need 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts):

  1. Get 2 sticks of unsalted butter (cubbed).
  2. Use 2.5 cups of flour.
  3. You need 1/2 tsp of salt.
  4. Provide 1/2 cup of cold water.

Instructions to make Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts):

  1. Sift flower.
  2. Add cubbed cold butter into flour and cut the butter into the flour until it resembles a crumble, then add cold water. If it seems too wet, which mine was, add a little bit more flour, about a small handful..
  3. Split evenly in two balls of dough and freeze for 30 mins.
  4. Roll out dough in all directions throughout the dough to prevent shrinking..
  5. Fold dough into quarters when transferring it to a pie sheet to prevent ripping. (I.e., fold in half once, and then half again until its shaped like a cone).

If you find this Butter Pie Crust (2 Crusts) recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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